Such as your hands, to make a talisman for money and good luck to you and attract their financial stability?

Unfortunately, in our day and age , the financial resources are needed for the full-life-support-system.

The magic of good luck charms

It's hard to find a person who wouldn't want to keep you, and multiply your savings. No less important is the presence of fortune. To attract money and luck into your life, you can use a proven tool.

How it works the magic of good luck charms?

The history of money, the pet is deep-rooted in the globalization Slavic culture. Back in the day, any mysterious phenomenon is explained by a magic influence, the power of the gods. There were a series of symbols, each of which had a patron saint in the god's guise. Each pet was of a specific function. Some, guarded against the evil eye, the other helped to hold the family together, a third party contributed to the attainment of the box.

The magic of good luck charms to attract money, and to-day. Some of them can be purchased at specialty stores, like as a finished product. But the majority of them are made easily in the home. As a general rule, the creation of mascots using the means available to you. They can serve in a row, paper currency, gem stones and a t. d., it is believed that any solution to be effective, it is not lucky, he's not going to bring it to tangible use, if you have your own, don't you have faith in.

How do you make a moment with your hands in your house?

The manufacturer of the pet's own strength is not only useful, but also a lot of fun. But it should be kept in mind that in the process of the creation of the joss no-one should interfere with it. For this reason it is best to choose a location that is quiet and secluded spot. When you choose the pet can be the beginning of a sign, and the sign of the zodiac, and to the use of the mascot, and more.


For the fabrication of the cash released can be used on almost any material.

The most common are related to:

  • Run;
  • With the beeswax;
  • Credits;
  • Hadcial card;
  • Natural stone;
  • In the grass;

Then, like a charm, and is ready to go, you need to charge it. For this reason, there are a number of options are possible. The essence of this process is the construction of a connection between man and talisman. More often than not in the process, the costs involved and the elements of nature: fire, water, air, and earth. Respectively, in order to pass on their activation to the costume , you need to put it in the water, and the fire expose-exposed to the wind or bury it in the ground.

After the completion of the ritual, the character begins to act on it. But don't forget about the proper care for it. You should always keep the character in the immediate vicinity. It is unlikely that he is going to help you in your career success if you want to stay in the house. It is not possible to show off to your assistant, anyone. It eats away at your energy.

A bag of herbs

With the globalization, slavic culture, they were distributed in little bags, full of rocks and weeds. The filling of the prepared selected according to the desired result. The grass is always brought about tangible benefits to the individual. In addition to this, they have used it to create the broth, which had the meaning of magic! And a bag of cotton wool , or flax, on the grass got up, locked the power within the talisman. The components for the creation of a vessel may be varied. But it's more likely that you mixed it up with the following herbs:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Ginger;
  • The dry leaves of the eucalyptus tree;
  • The pine-needles;
A bag of herbs

All the ingredients were taken in equal proportions. In the process of going to sleep in the bag, I had to read it for the plot, to attract money, and to think about the end goal of making ritual. The scholarship may be optional, is decorated with the embroidery. More often than not, that it portrayed the symbols that will attract prosperity and glory. Tied up the bag of cotton yarn in green.

Store your money in the stock exchange you must be close to the place of work. Thus, it will be the most effective. However, the character is eternal, and by this time next year, he will lose his property. So, at the end of this period to pull away to spend a few hours.

Click on the wallet

In the figure, the action of the mouse - from the ancient times it became associated with the well-being and luxury. With that, the beast, which involves a lot of the interesting will and ways. It is believed that, in the view, such as a mouse havetasciwet something in the hole to the rich.

The ancient slavs believed this to be npumety, and even to have specifically followed up the holes in the hope of seeing an obstacle. Already, the signs are too much of a logical explanation. In the houses of the people, the poor, the mouse might not have seen it, because they couldn't eat it. The rich of the people, it was always enough to eat.

Ground black pepper

The mascot image with the mouse to attract the wealth, the popular, and now-a-days. The small figures are made of wood, metal, or precious stones. Hold the mascot costume is the best one in your portfolio. In some cases, you can put it in a way that in the bag. It is believed that, in the mouse, it not only attracts money, but in and out of large investments in to or stolen. In addition, it contributes to the promotion of the career ladder.


It is well known that natural stone has a mass of useful properties. Each and every one of them works in a specific direction. The most effective of the stones in terms of the lure of money, referred to in (approx. Not only do they have the most power, but it is good enough for the decor to be attractive.

Turquoise can also be used as decorative objects, jewelry, etc. But in order to attract money, it is much more effective than a bag of turquoise. You need to find a small piece of turquoise, and a linen bag, of a blue colour. The stone is then placed in a bag and read the conspiracy. The actions are expected to produce rising of the moon.

Each and every day-to put it in a bag for the first coin, and then the big bills. Gradually, the value is expected to increase. So, it is necessary to do it until now, until the bag is full. After that, all the money in the bag, need to recalculate three times, and then pull it back. PervasivetXia such a bag of cotton yarn in blue. In order to keep you on the job site, but away from prying eyes.

Ground black pepper

If you are planning an event, which will be decided on the question of finance, it helps to step away from the pepper. Such events are important to include in the draw for a ticket for the lottery, a discussion of the operation of a large-scale, t. d., To the creation of the mascot, they should write on a blank sheet of paper, the amount of money that you are supposed to be. Then, fold the piece three times, and then place it in a small pot, and that is to feed the moon's energy.

The full discussion

After that, you you you you you you should add the contents of the black pepper, close the lid, and pull off to a secluded spot. Prior to an important event you need to shake the mascot's hand and left, thinking about the profit.

The full discussion

Many times, the manufacture of money on a pet is used to the normal line. The possible variations on this theme for a large crowd of people. The most common can be attributed to beads or bracelets on his wrist. As it is the main material used in the colored line.

The ancient slavs believed that the major effect of the magic to have the wool or cotton into yarn. Because of the thickness, the greater the demand for wool.

To create money on the cable , you will need three colors for a – line, green, red, and blue. The blue color symbolizes the fulfillment of wishes, the green it increases the tax income and the red protects in the owner of the bracelet, against the possible risks. All three of them in a row, you need to twist it with each other is rabicho. In some cases, it is the result of the loop bound at the ends, and use it as such. But, more often, and the edges connecting between them, cutting off any excess. Ready to strap to put it on her left wrist to the left or longuete

From this discussion, it is possible to make another mascot. Popularly it is called in the order for the payment of a ball. You should to take the time and money, as well as the intertwining of the strands of sheep's wool. In the following, must be mounted to a currency note or coin is strictly in the middle of it several times. The end of the line, you need to gently lay down. The most successful colours regarded as the red-and-green. This creature contributes to the preservation and the greed of money. With it, you don't have to be afraid of and exposure to damage.